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  • RCP Block & Brick Wins National Reclamation Award

Written by Alyssa Burley.

RCP Block & Brick‘s Walker Preserve project was recently featured on the July 2015 cover of Aggregates Manager as the winner of the magazine’s Reclamation Photo Contest.  Noted artist Brad Burns will create a custom painting of the award-winning project and it will be presented to the company.

“RCP Block & Brick is a family-owned company that extracts sand to provide material for the manufacture of its core products – concrete masonry units and retaining wall block,” wrote Therese Dunphy, Editor-in-Chief for Aggregates Manager in the July article.  “Its reclamation plan was approved in 1991 and began in 1994.  By working with the local community, the operator was able to restore the native vegetation and streambed along the new Walker Preserve Trail, which is a segment of the larger San Diego River Trail.”

Walker Preserve Pond, Santee, CA, RCP Block & Brick’s Reclamation Project. Photo by Alyssa Burley.

In her article, Dunphy further explains the positive relationship between RCP Block & Brick and the city, “along the reclaimed slopes of the site, the city of Santee installed a public trail with placards that explain how the river once provided the sand necessary for the concrete blocks many area residents have in their homes and schools.  The placards also highlight how the site has been reclaimed using native vegetation. Interestingly, this community education is all taking place on the community’s dime, not the operator’s. Considering that this project took place in California, it underscores that a good partnership can build ties in even the most unlikely of places.”

Walker Preserve Trail, Santee, CA.  Photo by Alyssa Burley.

View the Photo Gallery of all contest entries.

Dunphy, T. (2015, June). PHOTOS: Reclamation photo contest entries showcase post-mining opportunities. Aggregates Managerhttp://www.aggman.com/photos-reclamation-photo-contest-entries-showcase-post-mining-opportunities/

Dunphy, T. (2015, July). Reclamation Stories Worth Sharing. Aggregates Managerhttp://www.aggman.com/reclamation-stories-worth-sharing/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=07-10-2015&utm_campaign=AM&ust_id=&
